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Who is the Oaxaca Lending Library?

As a Mexican nonprofit association under state and federal law, the library is run by a volunteer board of directors nominated and elected by its membership during an Annual General Assembly Meeting (or AGAM). Volunteers maintain and run various committees necessary for the continued operation of our organization. We could not function without them!

Beyond our directors, the library employs three paid employees whose contributions to the maintenance and organization of the library, its policies and operations are essential, and we are deeply grateful for their service.

The Board

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Gail Ament
(term ends 2026)

Carol Ringold,
Vice President

(term ends 2025)

Bonnie Weil



Marirose Lescher, Treasurer
(term ends 2025)

At Large Directors

  • Ralph Gault (term ends 2026

  • David Shallenberger (term ends 2025)

  • Peter McCallion (term ends 2025)

  • Jose Luis Zarete (term ends 2026)

  • Viviana Ruiz Boijseauneau (term ends 2026)

Committee Chairpersons

  • Book - Siobhan Grogan 

  • Communications - 

  • Events - Gail Ament

  • Fundraising - 

  • Outreach - John Dumser

  • Social - 

  • Newsletter - Joan Harmon

  • Excursions - Dottie Bellinger

  • Nominations -

  • Technology - Douglas Long

  • Volunteer - Dottie Bellinger

  • Welcome to Oaxaca - Bliss Wilson

  • Finance - Ralph Gault

  • Facilities - John Dumser

The OLL Staff


Adriana Perez Maldonado
Library Manager


Concepcion Lopez Alcantar
Circulation Desk 


Mireya Pérez Maldonado 
Administrative Assistant


Complaints about any employee must be directed to the Library Manager. If the complaint is about the Manager, it is to be directed to the Board President. Aggression in any form against individual employees, volunteers, or library members and guests will not be tolerated. 

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Pino Suarez 519

Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico 68000

(951) 518-7077


Mon - Fri 10 am - 7 pm

Saturday 10 am - 1 pm

Closed Sundays &

National Holidays

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