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Helping hand via Austin Kehmeier


Volunteer at the OLL

If you love visiting the library and would like to find a way to get more involved, consider joining our community of volunteers. The lib​rary could not exist in its present form without our fantastic volunteers who perform all sorts of necessary tasks for the library and its services. Volunteering provides important services and offers an opportunity to meet and work with others. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit the volunteer page to see a list of different volunteer positions available. You can find a role specifically tailored to your interests and talents at the OLL.

For all positions below, contact or check with the circulation desk at the OLL.

Some Volunteer Opportunities


Personable. Friendly. Outgoing. Energetic. 

If these words sound like they could describe you, consider joining the library as a greeter to invite members and guests as they stop by the library.

Events managers & set-up assistants

The Events Committee is looking for events managers, chair set-up and take-down, door check-in and A/V support volunteers. We especially need event managers, people who are comfortable speaking in front of crowds and interacting with people. We offer training and support for all our volunteer positions.​

Volunteers at events get to attend them for free!

Serving on a committee

The library is maintained by a variety of committees focused on different aspects of the library's services and offerings. From tech to events, books to facilities, we need passionate, generous volunteers to serve on our committees to guide the library forward into the future.

Join the board

Our Board Members currently serve three-year terms and help to make decisions on a variety of governance issues related to the library. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board, please reach out to a current board member to ask about this year's nominating committee.

Leadership team for semi-annual bazars

We are forming a team of two to three individuals to organize the OLL's upcoming semi-annual bazaars.  We have detailed notes, schedules, pricing and other guidelines to help facilitate the next team's work.

Volunteer needed for children's collection

The OLL's Book Committee is recruiting a special volunteer with specific knowledge in the fields of childhood development, library science, and/or children's literature who would be responsible for weekly reviews and maintenance of the children's English-language collection, the Libros Para Pueblos collection, and the young readers' Spanish collection.

Book reviewer

Read a good book from the library's collection recently? The Book Committee is looking for book reviews of both children's and adult books for the OLL's monthly review column. ​

Please limit reviews to 150 words and include:

  • Title

  • Author

  • Why it was a good read

  • (If for children, include targeted ages)

  • Reviewer's name​

The Book Committee reserves the right to edit the review for grammar and clarity.  We look forward to sharing our patrons' favorites.

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Pino Suarez 519

Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico 68000

(951) 518-7077


Mon - Fri 10 am - 7 pm

Saturday 10 am - 1 pm

Closed Sundays &

National Holidays

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