Welcome To Oaxaca

Hours & Policies
Our regular hours are as follows:
Monday: 10am - 7pm (6pm summer)
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm (6pm summer)
Wednesday: 10am - 7pm (6pm summer)
Thursday: 10am - 7pm (6pm summer)
Friday: 10am - 7pm (6pm summer)
Saturday: 10am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
While we strive to maintain regular hours, these are subject to change as circumstances evolve. If you have any questions about hours, please call: (951) 518-7077. For closures due to Covid, please reference our pandemic policies.
We are closed the following days in 2024:
Monday, 1 January - New Year's Day
Monday, 3 February - Constitution Day
Monday, 17 March - Benito Juárez's Birthday
Friday, 18 April - Good Friday
Saturday, 19 April - Holy Saturday
Thursday, 1 May - Labor Day
Tuesday, 17 September - Independence Day
Saturday, 1 November - Day of the Dead
Sunday, 2 November - Day of the Dead
Monday, 17 November - Revolution Day
Wednesday, 24 December - Christmas Eve
Thursday, 25 December - Christmas Day
Wednesday, 31 December - New Years Eve
Covid Restrictions
The OLL has done its best to maintain a safe, stable environment throughout the entirety of the pandemic. In order to maintain our ability to operate throughout these challenging times, we ask that all visitors, members and employees observe and respect the following policies:
Indoor mask usage is now optional under current Oaxacan policy, but we ask that you use discretion and encourage the use of masks.
Gatherings are limited in number of attendees to allow for safe spacing between people.
Please note that these policies are subject to change. We ask that you please respect our staff and volunteers as they remind patrons of these restrictions or advise them on new ones.
Statement of Civility
The Oaxaca Lending Library values civil and courteous behavior. A basic building block of our community is respectful and civil behavior toward one another, without regard for race or ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, religion/spirituality/lack thereof, marital status, or physical ability.
In order to create and maintain a positive social and intellectual atmosphere within the OLL and at its various events, the Board of Directors has established a code of behavior and a guideline for civility.
Code of Behavior
While it is understood that disagreements will occasionally occur, those who access the library and attend its events should be free from incivility or harassment; as well as from insulting, disrespectful, or humiliating language/actions; and
The OLL staff, its board of directors, volunteers, and patrons who witness behavior that does not comply with the OLL Statement on Civility, will respectfully ask violators to continue their conversation outside of the library or library event.
Behavioral Guidelines for Civility
Speak in a respectful and civil manner, i.e., with attention to volume, tone, and word choice that is free from vulgarity, bigotry, hostility, oppression, and hatred; and
Respect the privacy of others, i.e., avoid malicious gossip or violation of privacy such as publicly sharing others’ health or financial issues.
Smoking Policy
The Library is a smoke free environment. The ban on smoking extends to the long drive leading into the library proper.
Pet Policy
Well-behaved dogs are permitted in the library. Owners must keep them on a leash and under control at all times. If you’d like to feed and water your dog while at the library, please bring in the dog’s own bowl. We’d be glad to save it for you in an area separate from human bowls.
Computer Usage Policy
We recognize that our computers and network are a valuable resource for many of our members and visitors and encourage anyone who needs them to access them. However, we ask that those who use our computers and network respect the following rules:
Our Wi-Fi is free and accessible to all, with signs posted around the library instructing users which network and password to use securely, however, users are advised to use discretion about what information they send across our network;
Please do not use our network to conduct illegal or inappropriate business; a good rule of thumb is if you would be embarrassed to be caught doing it, then don't do it;
Use of the computers in our cluster is free; however, users must sign in and out at the front desk; and
There is no set time limit on how long someone may use one of our computers, but please exercise good judgment—if others are waiting to use the computer, please expedite your business.
Collection Development Policy (updated May 2024)
Goals of Collection Development Policy
The goal of this policy is to guide collection and withdrawal selections of the Library in order to ensure a diverse collection of materials for all age groups based on the communities we serve.
The Oaxaca Lending Library Book Committee works with other volunteers and key staff to carry out the policy outlined here.
General Principles
The Library Bill of Rights: Basic to this policy is the Library Bill of Rights, adopted by the American Library Association, which affirms that all libraries are repositories for information and ideas and that all points of view on current and historical issues are presented within limits of funding.
Collection Criteria: The following criteria are used to aid the selection and withdrawal of materials:
Popular interest
Local importance
Accuracy and timeliness of information
Relationship to existing materials in the collection
Attention of critics and reviewers
Historical value
Replacement of missing titles in a popular series
Support and encouragement of literacy
What we collect:
Popular reading materials
Mexican archaeology, art, history, travel; with an emphasis on Oaxaca
English and Spanish:
Fiction and Nonfiction
Graphic novels
Language learning materials
Teen materials
Young readers (8-12) materials
Children´s materials (picture books)
Reference materials
What we do not collect:
Textbooks, with the exception of Spanish and English language learning materials
Workbooks or curricular materials
Music: written or recorded
Religious materials, except for key texts in the religions of the world
Collection Maintenance
Maintenance of the collection is a continuing process of evaluation to ensure usefulness, relevance and condition of materials.
Replacement of materials that are lost or missing is not automatic.
Donations which are not added to the collection may be offered for sale to the public. If not purchased in a timely manner, unsold items are offered for free.
Evaluation Criteria for Withdrawal (Deaccessioning) of Materials:
Subject matter is no longer timely, accurate or relevant
Damaged or in poor condition
Insufficiently used
Space limitations
The Library accepts donated materials and targeted monetary donations for the purchase of books.
The Book Committee decides on the use or disposition of gifts to best meet the general collection development principles.
The OLL Book Committee reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing and access to materials.
Responsibility for Children´s Use of the Library
Books and other library resources are provided for the interest, information and enlightenment of all people in the communities the library serves. Materials are not excluded because of their origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation. The Library affirms the responsibility and right of all parents and guardians to guide their own children´s use of the library and its resources and services.
DVD Collection Development Policy
Approved by the Book Committee - December 7, 2022
Recognizing that 99.9% of the Oaxaca Lending Library’s DVD collection comes from donations, the goal of this policy is to meet the entertainment and informational needs of the Oaxaca Lending Library’s community within the limited space available for the collection.
Criteria for adding DVDs to the library’s Main DVD collection:
Movies made within the the last 10 years with a minimum score of 6 on www.imdb.com or professionally reviewed sources and the discretion of the Library staff
Documentaries made within the last 10 years using the above criteria
TV series made within the last 10 years using the above criteria
Films/documentaries with content about Mexico (especially Oaxaca) at the discretion of the library staff
Award winning films in English or Spanish
Classic films (check American Film Institute list)
Criteria for adding DVDs to the library’s Children’s DVD collection
Films, TV shows, educational videos in English or Spanish designed to serve the recreational and educational needs of children.
DVDs we do not collect
Bootlegged DVDs
Blue Ray format
Compilations (2 or more films on the same disk)
DVDs already deleted from the collection that have been re-donated to the collection
Instructional/lecture videos
Concerts and opera videos
DVD Weeding
DVD has not circulated in five years or more (although an entire run of a television series or all parts of a multi-part film series should remain intact if parts of the series are still circulating)
Their condition makes it difficult to view
Use of Facility
In keeping with the Oaxacan Lending Library´s goal of fostering a sense of community in a welcoming environment, spaces in the OLL are available for use by community and non-profit groups and clubs for informational, educational, cultural and entertainment gatherings and programs when not needed for library purposes.
Use is granted on equal terms to all, provided that the group complies with the policy guidelines as stated. The OLL reserves the right to deny use based on the availability of space, staff coverage, and frequency of use. Requests for use are considered on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to the following procedures and guidelines:
Meeting areas are available during the library’s regular service hours.
Private social events (parties, bridal showers, weddings) are not permitted.
The OLL does not supply any materials for meetings.
All persons attending meetings are subject to the Oaxaca Lending Library Statement on Civility.
For each meeting or program, participants are requested to make a 20 peso per person donation to the OLL to defray the costs of the use of the space.
If the organization or group pays for an instructor/facilitator, that fee is the group’s responsibility, separate from the 20 peso per person requested donation to the OLL.
Fees will only be waived by the authority of the President of the OLL.
Information about the meeting/event will be available in the regular OLL update if there is sufficient advance notice.
Children and Minors must be supervised at all times by the adult(s) responsible for the room/area reservation.
Tables and chairs may be rearranged for meetings, but the area/ space must be returned to its original condition afterwards. The area will be swept and excessive rubbish must be removed from the OLL.
The OLL is not responsible for damage or loss of property of meeting organizers or their attendees.
If there is any damage to any room or equipment that necessitates professional cleaning or repairs, the group members/participants will be held responsible for all associated costs.
Use of Space - Main Salon & Terrace
The OLL offers space for individuals and community organizations who wish to provide a forum for activities in line with the Library Mission Statement.
Any request for the use of OLL space for a non-OLL sponsored event must:
Not interfere with an already existing activity
Clearly outline how it aligns with the Mission Statement
Must be sponsored by a Board member
Must not be a for-profit endeavor
Have a written Use of Space agreement
Be included on the OLL Calendar of Events
Not require the purchase or rental of special equipment to accommodate the activity Policy Guidelines
1. The Library always has first priority to schedule use of the facilities. In general, we offer the use of our space for any group or purpose that does not interfere with library business and does not inherently express, support or endorse a particular religious or political point of view. Approval for the use of our space is at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2. Programs that advocate religious or political views are not allowed.
3. Use of the library space does not constitute library endorsement of the philosophies, practices or viewpoints of the meeting participants. i. Individuals or groups using the space must use and clearly display the following statement in all publicity for their event: “This event is not sponsored by the Oaxaca Lending Library.”
4. Attendance at programs held in the Library’s spaces are limited as follows: i. i. Main salon: 52 people seated in auditorium style or 100 people standing. ii. Terrace to the north of the staircase: 32 seated at tables iii.Terrace to the south of the staircase: 24 seated at tables iv.Terrace by the Libros Para Pueblos office: 40 people seated at tables v. 100 people standing for the whole terrace. For any activity where participants will not be seated at tables, auditorium style or standing, please outline the maximum number of participants in the individual Use of Space Agreement considering evacuation and safety concerns.
Procedures for Special Events
An OLL “Special Event” is typically a single event not included in the OLL’s regular schedule but that uses one or more resources of the OLL.
It may be repeated over time; for example, the OLL has hosted an annual boutique for the past several years. In the past special events have included, but are not necessarily limited to: fund-raising bazaars and boutiques, other types of fundraisers, expos, as well as recognition and social events.
A special event may be proposed by any OLL member. It must meet the same criteria as any other OLL event or sponsored activity, i.e. it is in accordance with the mission statement of the OLL. It must be approved by the Board in advance of any OLL resources used.
In order to be considered for approval, a proposal for a special event must be submitted to the Board at least one week before its next regular meeting and include the following information:
Purpose and description of the event, as well as the targeted audience
Coordinator of the event, including email and phone
Library resources planned/needed, e.g. finance, scheduling, space/ location, publicity, personnel, security, clean-up
Estimated budget, including any advanced funds or sponsorship requested from the OLL.
Any entry fee or other cost for OLL members/nonmembers
Parcels & Packages
The purpose of this policy is to support volunteers and staff in providing a service to the OLL community within established and clear guidelines. The policy intent is to ensure the OLL community is aware of the membership benefit and be transparent regarding responsibilities of all parties (staff and member).
The Oaxaca Lending Library can be used as a pick-up or drop-off address or location for:
External deliveries (Amazon, DHL, etc.)
Person-to-person exchanges of goods (leaving something at the Circulation Desk for someone else to collect) Guidelines
External deliveries must bbe in the name of the member receiving the delivery
The OLL staff and volunteers are not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced goods
This service is available only to active members of the OLL
For person-to-person exchanges of goods, at least one person must be an OLL member