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This the login to the website only. Once logged in you can see and manage all subscriptions you have signed up for online. (This is not your OLL membership login)

Hands holding euros by Christian Dubovan


Support the OLL

The Oaxaca Lending Library, the OLL is a private nonprofit organization. It is our mission to make our collection, facilities, and events widely available to the greater Oaxacan community. The income we collect from memberships covers only a small part of our annual expenses; we rely on the generosity of our friends and members to manage day-to-day library services, provide community events, and for special purposes that improve both the library space and our collection. 

The Oaxaca Lending Library Foundation, the OLLF, is a not part of the OLL but is a separate US 501(c)(3) non profite corporation. The OLL is one of the benficiaries of the OLLF.

 We have several methods available for donating money, time, and books.

Introduction to the Oaxaca Lending Library Foundation/Friends of Libros para Pueblos...
TREASURER (volunteer) NEEDED Read More Here

Financial Donations

Please choose the option below that is best for you.

One Time Donations

U.S. tax-deductible donations (USD)

Option 1 - Check

Write a check made out to "Oaxaca Lending Library Foundation," and mailed to:

Oaxaca Lending Library Foundation

c/o Umpqua Bank

P.O. Box 1820

Roseburg, OR 97470

Please write "OLL" on the check's memo line and be sure that your name also appears if a third party institution issues the check. 

Option 2 - Direct deposit

For direct deposit or recurring deposit donations, e-mail the amount you wish to donate and how often you intend to donate to the Treasurer of the OLLF, at


Option 3 - Online payment

If you wish to donate via credit card or PayPal, click the button below and follow the instructions on the page (external link). 

Local donations​ (MXN)

Option 1 - Cash payment

To make a cash donation, please visit the circulation desk at the OLL and speak with the staff for further instructions. 

Option 2 - Online payment

To make an MXN-based donation via credit card or PayPal, please click the following button below and follow the instructions on the page (external link).

For those making MXN donations, please refer to the current general exchange rates on line. Exchange rates can be found here.

Recurring MXN Monthly Donations

  • Additional Donation

    Every month
    Use this option to start an automatic monthly donation in addition to your membership to the OLL
  • Additional Donation

    Every month
    Use this option to start an automatic monthly donation in addition to your membership to the OLL
  • Additional Donation

    Every month
    Use this option to start an automatic monthly donation in addition to your membership to the OLL
  • Additional Donation

    Every month
    Use this option to start an automatic monthly donation in addition to your membership to the OLL

Recurring payments can be cancelled at any time from the Member Page

Other financial donation options​

Amazon SMILE program

If you shop on Amazon, making purchases through the website's SMILE program can donate a portion of the proceeds from your purchases to a charity of your choice. All you have to do is go to the Amazon SMILE page and select the "Oaxaca Lending Library Foundation" as your charity of choice.

Employer contribution matching

If your US employer has a donation matching program and you are interested in using it to donate to the OLLF, please contact to get the details necessary to register the library's foundation as a charity option.


Bequeathing a part of your estate (either financial or material) to the OLL is a wonderful way to support our mission and is easy to do. Please contact the current President of the Board for more details on how your love of reading and community can live on after you within the OLL.

In-kind Donations

For members looking to donate materials to our collection, know that we are always looking to build our collection in accordance with our collection policies.​ For a list of materials currently sought, consult our current wish list. Books and other materials procured for the library may be left with the circulation desk. Items for our bazaars can be left in the box marked for the purpose (located at the stairs to the terrace, please ask a staff member for more information).

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Pino Suarez 519

Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico 68000

(951) 518-7077


Mon - Fri 10 am - 7 pm

Saturday 10 am - 1 pm

Closed Sundays &

National Holidays

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